Te presentamos todo sobre los congresos que organizamos para poner en común nuestros estudios, interesantes temas de divulgación y enlaces relacionados con la Entomología Aplicada, así como una amplia colección de fotos y banco de artrópodos, todo ello ofrecido por nuestros socios.
Sociedad miembro de la Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE)
Three years after the success of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology (IECE) I have the great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd IECE, organized and funded by Insects, a Q1 journal in category “Entomology”. Insects continuously generate huge global issues, e.g., outbreaks, considerable losses in agricultural production, transmission of various diseases, seriously injuring humans and animals, increased resistance to insecticides, difficulties of effective management, enigmatic biology and ecology, gaps in the composition and mutations of genes, disorder of diversity due to natural destructions. Therefore, research is the obligatory path to handle all these current challenges and, simultaneously, improve our perception to foresee the upcoming ones. The 2nd IECE aims to unite entomologists all over the world to communicate their top research outcomes from basic and applied point of view that will be rapidly published in variable ways after peer reviewing process. The meeting includes seven research topics, as follows:
S1. Morphology and Systematics
S2. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Genomics
S3. Behaviour, Biology, and Physiology
S4. Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution
S5. Pest Management, Pesticide Resistance, and Toxicology
S6. Forest Entomology and Urban Entomology
S7. Social Insects
S8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Beatriz Dáder, Antonio Jesús Magaña, María Jesús Pascual-Villalobos, Aránzazu Moreno, Alberto Fereres, Elisa Viñuela
Journal of Economic Entomology, Volume 117, Issue 6, December 2024, Pages 2450–2460,
Nanoformulations of essential oils (EOs) improve stability of the active ingredient, and thereby its biological activity and persistence. Because compatibility of EOs with natural enemies is not explored sufficiently, we evaluated the impact of nanoformulations of EOs (aniseed, lemon) or pure products (farnesol) on different activities of the generalist predator Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). In dual choice bioassay, chrysopid larvae were significantly attracted to aniseed-treated pepper disks and deterred by farnesol. Larval activities (resting, walking, and preying) on treated leaves infested with Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) were compared. There were no differences among nanoemulsions, nor aphid consumption varied. We studied the toxicity of nanoformulations to larvae and evaluated their development after contact with treated leaf disks, ingestion of treated artificial diet, and both routes of exposure (application of biopesticides on aphid-infested plants). This is the first evidence of the compatibility of EO nanoformulations with C. carnea by single route of exposure. Whether any effect appeared, it was sublethal. Compounds significantly reduced aphid consumption after 6 h on double route exposure, but this negative short-term effect disappeared as time progressed. Our results showed the optimal biopesticide to apply depends on which biological feature of the natural enemy we targeted. The key element to introduce these nanoemulsions is to match their persistence period on the crop with the release of the appropriate biological stage of C. carnea. This reinforces the fact that the main activities of C. carnea can be substantially maintained in joint application with nanoemulsions of EOs.
El 6.º Simposio Internacional sobre Insectos (ISoI 2025) está de vuelta y estamos encantados de invitarlo a unirse a este prestigioso evento. Organizado por la Sociedad Entomológica de Malasia (ENTOMA) , el ISoI 2025 se llevará a cabo del 2 al 4 de septiembre de 2025 en el Raia Hotel & Convention Centre, Terengganu, Malasia .
El tema de este año, “Más allá de los insectos: descubriendo sus funciones en una sociedad sostenible y resiliente”, destaca el papel crucial de los insectos en el equilibrio ecológico, la agricultura y la sostenibilidad ambiental. El simposio contará con la presencia de destacados oradores principales y plenarios, entre ellos expertos en entomología, ecología y agricultura sostenible.
¿Por qué debería participar en ISoI 2025?
✅ Interactúe con expertos globales en ciencia de insectos y sostenibilidad
✅ Presente su investigación y publíquese en revistas indexadas (SCOPUS)
✅ Establezca contactos con líderes de la industria, académicos y formuladores de políticas
✅ Explore la rica biodiversidad de Terengganu a través de un recorrido exclusivo posterior al simposio
Fechas importantes:
📌 Fecha límite de envío de resúmenes: 1 de mayo de 2025
📌 Fecha límite de pago de inscripción: 1 de junio de 2025
📌 Fecha de inscripción final: 30 de junio de 2025
Tarifas de inscripción:
✅Participante local: RM 950
✅Estudiante local: RM 650
✅Estudiante internacional: USD 250
Le damos una cálida bienvenida a su participación y esperamos que se produzcan debates interesantes sobre el papel de los insectos en la creación de un futuro más sostenible.
Para obtener más información y registrarse, visite:
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Es un placer anunciar que el Bulletin of Insectology, una revista de entomología de la Universidad de Bolonia, que acoge a estimados miembros de la SEEA en su consejo editorial, ha sido renovada
Contacta con:
Luis Ernesto Quirós López
Ignacio Morales Marcos
Yara Quirós Jiménez