Te presentamos todo sobre los congresos que organizamos para poner en común nuestros estudios, interesantes temas de divulgación y enlaces relacionados con la Entomología Aplicada, así como una amplia colección de fotos y banco de artrópodos, todo ello ofrecido por nuestros socios.
Sociedad miembro de la Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE)
Three years after the success of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology (IECE) I have the great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd IECE, organized and funded by Insects, a Q1 journal in category “Entomology”. Insects continuously generate huge global issues, e.g., outbreaks, considerable losses in agricultural production, transmission of various diseases, seriously injuring humans and animals, increased resistance to insecticides, difficulties of effective management, enigmatic biology and ecology, gaps in the composition and mutations of genes, disorder of diversity due to natural destructions. Therefore, research is the obligatory path to handle all these current challenges and, simultaneously, improve our perception to foresee the upcoming ones. The 2nd IECE aims to unite entomologists all over the world to communicate their top research outcomes from basic and applied point of view that will be rapidly published in variable ways after peer reviewing process. The meeting includes seven research topics, as follows:
S1. Morphology and Systematics
S2. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Genomics
S3. Behaviour, Biology, and Physiology
S4. Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution
S5. Pest Management, Pesticide Resistance, and Toxicology
S6. Forest Entomology and Urban Entomology
S7. Social Insects
S8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
El Comité Organizador del Congreso Ibérico de Leguminosas ha acordado ampliar el plazo abierto para la inscripción y el de envío de resúmenes hasta el próximo 30 de septiembre.
En la página web del Congreso (https://fgulem.unileon.es/conlegleon/) pueden acceder a información detallada respecto a las temáticas de las distintas sesiones a desarrollar, así como al formulario de inscripción y a la plantilla para la elaboración del resumen.
El envío de los resúmenes deberá realizarse a través del enlace que se recibirá por e-mail, una vez formalizada la inscripción.
El Congreso Ibérico de Leguminosas está organizado por la Asociación Española de Leguminosas (AEL) y la red de investigación Red Española de Leguminosas (RELEG), junto con investigadores de la Universidad de León, y en él se pretende reunir, con un enfoque multidisciplinar, a los distintos actores principales del sector de las leguminosas.
Three years after the success of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology (IECE) I have the great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd IECE, organized and funded by Insects, a Q1 journal in category “Entomology”. Insects continuously generate huge global issues, e.g., outbreaks, considerable losses in agricultural production, transmission of various diseases, seriously injuring humans and animals, increased resistance to insecticides, difficulties of effective management, enigmatic biology and ecology, gaps in the composition and mutations of genes, disorder of diversity due to natural destructions. Therefore, research is the obligatory path to handle all these current challenges and, simultaneously, improve our perception to foresee the upcoming ones. The 2nd IECE aims to unite entomologists all over the world to communicate their top research outcomes from basic and applied point of view that will be rapidly published in variable ways after peer reviewing process. The meeting includes seven research topics, as follows:
S1. Morphology and Systematics
S2. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Genomics
S3. Behaviour, Biology, and Physiology
S4. Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution
S5. Pest Management, Pesticide Resistance, and Toxicology
S6. Forest Entomology and Urban Entomology
S7. Social Insects
S8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology
Se busca candidato (doctor o predoc) que quiera
trabajar en un proyecto europeo que tenemos sobre vectores de Xylella.
El Grupo de Insectos Vectores de Patógenos de Plantas (IVPP), del Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias
del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ICA-CSIC) ofrece un contrato de año y medio
de duración con cargo al proyecto “Beyond Xylella, Integrated Management Strategies for
Mitigating Xylella fastidiosa impact in Europe (BeXyl) (HORIZON-CL6-2021-FARM2FORK-01)”
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes termina el 31 de diciembre de 2024.
Para más información: https://bexylproject.org/about-bexyl-project/
Contactar con: Aranzazu Moreno Lozano (amoreno@ica.csic.es) o Alberto Fereres Castiel
Contacta con:
Luis Ernesto Quirós López
Ignacio Morales Marcos
Yara Quirós Jiménez